
Tutorials Tutorials in MiniTidal (TidalCycles), Hydra, & CineCer0

Hydra: Transformers

Transformers are functions that can be applied to sources to change them in different ways.

Transformers should be added between the source and the output:


Another way to write the same syntax is as follows:

osc() .brightness() .out()

More transformers can be added, always linked (applied) by using . (point)


Some examples

Syntax: .brightness(amount)

This transformer modifies the brightness levels in the image, and it can be applied to any source. Negative parameters result in darker textures. Parameters greater than 0 result in more brightness.

Syntax: .contrast(amount)

This transformer modifies the contrast levels in the image. Contrast generates a greater (positive numbers) or lesser (negative numbers) exaggeration between bright and dark tones.

Syntax: .pixelate(x,y)

Some examples using a list of one or more parameters

The List of parameters is always identified by using the symbols [] with the list of parameters inside divided by , (comma).

You can apply transformations to this list:

[parameters].smooth() will apply a “smooth” transition between the parameters

[parameters].fast(speed) will modify the rate at which parameters changes.

You can apply both transformations to the list:

List of Transformers