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JSoLangs: Simple Text Replacement



JSoLangs is an application in Estuary to parse available live coding language to create new ones.

For this tutorial, I have created this folder to host a simple text replacement template as well as some examples.

JSoLangs can be written directly on Estuary but it is always better to write and save your JSoLang locally or in any other platform. For my project, I am using GitHub.

Example 1

Text Replacement with MiniTidal

This is the JSoLang I wrote with the name drSeuss, where you can run the following sintax:

I donT like "green" eggs 0.9 and ham 1.0.

which translate in MiniTidal as:

slow 3.2 $ s "alphabet:4 alphabet:6 alphabet:6 alphabet:18" # gain 0.9 # up 1.0

I have seven statements, translating:

My new sintax must respect the rules of the pre-existing live coding language.

Example 2

Text Replacement with CineCer0

This is the JSoLang I wrote with the name humptyDumpty, where you can run the following sintax:

first Humpty dumpty sat on a wall; then Humpty Dumpty had a fall;.

which translate in CineCer0 as:

setPosY (-0.2) $ setSize 0.5 $ setOpacity (range 0 1 $ sin 0.5) $ image "specific-url-01"; setPosY (-0.2) $ setSize 0.5 $ setOpacity (range 1 0 $ sin 0.5) $ imagespecific-url-02;"

I have ten statements, translating:

My new sintax must respect the rules of the pre-existing live coding language.

Example 3

Text Replacement with Hydra

This is the JSoLang I wrote with the name peterPeter, where you can run the following sintax:


which translate in Hydra as:


I have seven statements, translating:

In this case, I erased all i so it is case sensitive.

My new sintax must respect the rules of the pre-existing live coding language.